
The Results: I Let My Boyfriend Pick my Outfits for a Week


Well folks - the results are in! The whole backstory is here, but the short version is that last week I let Andy pick my outfits in an attempt to find out more about what he likes for me to wear, and to get some new outfit ideas. Let's break it down day-by-day.

Disclaimer: I am not one of those instagram selfie takers that takes an hour in the morning to get the perfect shot of my made-up self at an exact angle. These pics aren't always so pretty, but let's just focus on the outfits then, shall we?

Monday's Outfit


On Sunday night Andy walked in to the closet, and looked at all the tops and bottoms hung on one side, and after about 20 seconds, turned around to face the dresses (I'm guessing that seemed complicated.) He picked this one pretty quickly. When he looked at the jewelry he told me he couldn't decide between "a pop of color" and "some bling" and then asked why I don't have one that's both. :|

Andy Says:

Since Carrie is always cold I wanted to go with something little heavier with the sweater dress and I decided to dress it up a little bit with the long feathery necklace with a little bling to it.  I was really tired and didn’t pay much attention to the shoes I picked out but luckily it worked out! Ha ha

Carrie Says:

This dress is comfy and warm, so I was good with Andy's initial choice. I got a little nervous when he started pulling some very big, very summery statement necklaces, but his final choice is one I like - even if I wouldn't usually wear it with this. One of my weird things is that I never wear flats with dresses or skirts, because it just makes me feel boxier. But hey - the world didn't end.

Tuesday's Outfit:


Andy walked into the closet and went RIGHT for this shirt, which is easily the craziest shirt I own, by a lot.

Andy Says:

Well, Carrie always just wears black with one color, and I wanted her to wear more colors. I like this spunky shirt. She has a pretty colorful personality for those of you reading that know her and I've always been surprised that she doesn't reflect that in her attire choices.  A lot of stuff in her house is eye catching and vibrant but her closet didn't take advantage of the vibrant colors she's become accustomed to using.

Carrie Says:

Andy says nice things, but all I could think is WHY on earth does he think I should wear yellow and black stripes, and burgundy. What you don't see in this picture is the fact that he first picked a giant yellow statement necklace to go with this get-up, and that he asked me"Why don't you have yellow shoes?" yikes. but at least he settled on something I only felt mildly ridiculous in for the day. Also, do men think all sweaters are the same? This is a summer weight, three quarter sleeve sweater. My office space heater was workin' hard on Tuesday.

Wednesday's Outfit:


This picture is extra terrible, but this outfit is probably the closest thing to my standard repertoire of all the outfits Andy picked.

Andy Says:

After seeing Carrie go into a mini mental breakdown over the second outfit I chose I decided to go with something that I felt would be normal for her to wear and wouldn't make her completely regret the decision to ask me to do this. I resisted the urge to go outrageous with my choices, although that probably would have been a lot of fun for me and for Carrie's coworkers *cough derek and amy cough*.....maybe next time ;)

Carrie Says:

I like this shirt, which is why it's weird that it's been sitting in my closet for almost a year with the tags still on it. When I did my closet purge, I tried it on and decided to keep it for another couple of months to see if I'd wear it. The red is just so attention-getting that I think I usually feel self-conscious wearing it. So kudos to Andy on busting me just a little out of my shell on this one. Although again... FREEZING ALL DAY LONG.

Thursday's Outfit:


This is the outfit that had me the most worried as he was picking it out, but I actually was very pleasantly surprised once it was on.

Andy Says:

The shirt is another one that I'd never seen Carrie wear so that's mainly why I picked it. I've always liked blue on Carrie and I thought the skirt went with the shirt so I went with it. I wish people could have seen her face when I pulled that out of her closet, it was absolutely priceless hahahaha. It wasn't supposed to be terribly cold the next day but I figured she'd freeze if I didn't pick out a sweater and to my limited knowledge black goes with everything.  She loves this elephant necklace so I decided to bust it out for this outfit.

Carrie Says:

Well this one definitely surprised me. At this point, I wasn't surprised that Andy opted for more color or pattern than I normally would, but I was a little worried when he picked them both at once. I wear this skirt a lot in the summer, but I don't think I'd worn it yet this winter, and it works better with tights than I thought. Good work, Andy.

Friday's Outfit:


I had a business-casual work event on Friday, but Andy had done well enough that I told him to give it a shot, and I'd change it up a little if I had to.

Andy Says:

I can't honestly say why I chose this outfit. With her work event I knew she'd want to be comfortable but not dressed down very much and I thought this outfit worked within that framework. She kept it the way it was so it couldn't have been THAT bad right?

Carrie Says:

This outfit felt more like Andy was guessing what I would have worn anyway, and not picking an outfit that HE would have chosen, but it was sweet of him to be so considerate. I like this sweater a lot, and I'm right in my wheelhouse of solid colored neutrals.

Overall, this was a really fun experiment, and one I wouldn't hesitate to try again. I think Andy made me realize how few risks I take with clothes, which is extra silly since I take so many risks in home decor - and that's a way more permanent decision! Everyone was telling me how brave I was for letting Andy give it a shot, but really I think he was brave for venturing into my closet and dealing with some of my insecurities.